California Substance Use Disorder Treatment Center
Some people might think that drug and/or alcohol abuse is a harmless pastime, or that it is an activity that only affects the substance abusers themselves. But substance abuse can hurt society as a whole. Abuse can create medical, social, and financial problems for everyone involved. Treatment can help to lower or prevent those problems. […]

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Some people might think that drug and/or alcohol abuse is a harmless pastime, or that it is an activity that only affects the substance abusers themselves. But substance abuse can hurt society as a whole. Abuse can create medical, social, and financial problems for everyone involved.

Treatment can help to lower or prevent those problems. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), for every dollar society spends in substance abuse treatment programs, it saves four to seven dollars in criminal costs related to drugs. If individuals add the cost of drug-related treatment to this equation, the savings are twelve dollars for every dollar spent.

If you are dealing with substance abuse or know someone with substance abuse issues, you know that the toll is beyond financial matters. Substance abuse creates physical and psychological problems for users and families. Substance abuse rehab centers help people deal with these issues and try to prevent them from occurring in the future.

Why Should People Seek Substance Abuse Treatment?

Many of the signs of substance abuse are well-known:

  • If people drink too much alcohol, they could slur speech or become clumsy.
  • If they take drugs, they might experience increased or decreased energy, dilated pupils, or mood changes, to name just a few of the many effects.
  • If they use alcohol or drugs long enough, they could develop tolerance, which means they need to take increasing amounts of the substances in order to feel the effects.
  • If people use substances over a prolonged period of time, they could crave the substances if they stop taking them. They might then experience withdrawal symptoms that can range from uncomfortable (headaches) to fatal (seizures).

There are other lesser-known, but still dangerous physical signs of alcohol abuse and drug addiction. They include elevated body temperatures and changes in breathing and heart rates. Using substances, especially with other substances, can even lead to death. There are also dangers in using substances on a long-term basis, since substances have repeated impact on the body and can change important functions.

Dual diagnosis is another reason people should consider substance abuse treatment. A dual diagnosis occurs when doctors have diagnosed a person with a mental condition (such as anxiety, depression, or bipolar disorder) and a substance abuse problem. Those problems are often closely connected: anxious people might use drugs to ease their anxiety, but drug use likely makes them more anxious. They could take more drugs to ease anxiety, which makes them more anxious, and so on. Substance abuse treatment centers can treat substance abuse problems and psychological disorders at the same time, and help to break this dangerous connection.

Substance abuse can also damage people socially. Substance abusers might neglect relatives, friends, coworkers, and classmates because they are busy getting drunk or high. Users might hurt others, or these people might become tired of having to constantly solve the substance users’ problems. As a consequence, substance abuse can severely damage relationships. Substance abuse treatment centers help to mend those relationships. Many offer therapy for substance abusers and families, so they can discuss addiction, how substance has impacted their families, and learn how to move forward.


How Can You Find the Right Substance Abuse Rehab Center?

Substance abuse treatment comes in many forms. In fact, the sheer number and variety of rehab options might seem overwhelming. To narrow down these choices, people considering substance abuse treatment can ask themselves some questions:

What kind of substance am I abusing? Substance abuse rehab centers and programs treat different substances differently. For example, some centers use drugs such as methadone to replace heroin and other drugs.

Do I want to seek substance abuse treatment with people who share similar characteristics? There are rehab programs and centers that specifically treat teens, senior citizens, members of the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) community, members of certain religions, or just men, or just women.

What kinds of substance abuse treatment do I want? Substance abuse rehab centers are not the same. Some offer holistic treatments such as yoga and acupuncture, while others offer different kinds of therapy or programs.

Where do I want to attend substance abuse treatment? Some people prefer to attend outpatient programs close to home. Others want to attend inpatient facility in a different location to distance themselves from their current situations.

Do I want additional benefits from my rehab experience? Substance abuse treatment centers such as Monarch Shores, for example, offer luxurious facilities and perks, such as private rooms and personal trainers. Other rehab centers offer activities such as horseback riding and making music at recording studios.

This is not a complete list of questions, of course, but it can help people determine what they want in their substance abuse rehab centers.

What Does Treatment at a Substance Abuse Rehab Center Cost?

It is difficult to determine how much treatment at a substance abuse treatment center will cost. There are many different types of treatment centers that offer a huge variety of substance abuse treatments.

Other factors lead to the multitude of prices. For one, substance abuse treatments can last varying amounts of time. Rehab programs can last thirty, sixty, or ninety days, six months, or a year or more. Treatment at a rehab facility that offers luxury amenities such as gourmet meals can carry a different price tag than other sorts of rehab centers. Substance abuse treatment centers in desirable locations also cost more. Other costs to consider include the cost of transportation to and from the rehab facilities.

If these costs concern you, let Monarch Shores handle your worry. If you call our counselors, they can work with your insurance provider to arrange the terms of your payment. We can even make those travel arrangements to get you to and from your substance abuse treatment. These actions could help you worry just a little less, during what can be a stressful time.