The Top 10 Opioid Epidemic Solutions

The Top 10 Opioid Epidemic Solutions Opioid epidemic solutions are much needed. There is no question that in the United States, the use of opioids has reached epidemic proportions. More than 115 people die each day because they overdosed on an opioid, which could be...

Addiction And Eating Disorders

Addiction And Eating Disorders It was previously thought that eating disorders and addiction are separate and distinct conditions. However, there is a growing number of cases that prove a connection between the two. A study conducted by the Columbia University’s...

Anxiety And Addiction

Anxiety and Addiction Anxiety and addiction, whether to drugs or alcohol, have been linked to each other. There are studies that show anxiety could lead to addiction and vice versa. Anxiety, which is defined as the feeling one gets when worried, afraid of something or...