Addiction Treatment & Recovery Blog

Dating A Cocaine Addict: How To Help Your Partner

Dating A Cocaine Addict: How To Help Your Partner Dating someone who has a cocaine addiction can be a challenge. Not only does the addiction affect your loved one's health and well-being, it can also affect you. What are some ways to help your significant other get...

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How to Get an Alcoholic Into Rehab  

How to Get an Alcoholic Into Rehab Do you know someone that needs rehab for alcohol? If you notice that one of your loved ones has an addiction, you can start looking into the various treatment options. When you and your closest loved ones find a provider for the...

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Types Of Therapy For Drug Addiction

Types Of Therapy For Drug Addiction Drug rehabilitation and recovery is not always a single, linear journey. It can involve multiple treatments that address different topics. This is why drug addiction therapy is important, as it helps address other issues that need...

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How To Address An Employee With Substance Abuse Issues

How To Address An Employee With Substance Abuse Issues Substance use disorder in the workplace is like an open secret in America, and it’s costing US employers billions and billions of dollars each year. It’s the small and medium businesses (SMBs) that are really...

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Friends In Recovery: How To Make Sober Friends

Friends In Recovery: How To Make Sober Friends For people in sobriety, loneliness can be a hard emotion to handle. This is especially true for those people in the early stages of sobriety. This is why it is important for individuals to form friendships. Everyone can...

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What Is Sobriety? Meaning & How To Achieve It

What Is Sobriety? Meaning & How To Achieve It You have probably heard the term sobriety over and over again. So, what is sobriety? Is it abstaining from using intoxicating substances, or is it something deeper than that? We have all been involved in situations...

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Long-Term Effects of Methadone

Long Term Effects of Methadone Methadone is an opioid narcotic drug. It is commonly used for treating withdrawal from other types of opioid drugs such as heroin and Oxycontin. It is also a long lasting, easy to take pain reliever that is given to people for treating...

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Stress And Addiction

Stress And Addiction: Can Stress Lead To Drug Abuse? People become stressed when under pressure, or are faced with a threat on their selves, which lead them to think they cannot cope adequately. Usually, stress is a normal body reaction to changes that threaten one’s...

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Effective Deep Breathing Exercises For Anxiety

Effective Deep Breathing Exercises For Anxiety Anxiety and substance use disorder disorders is well-established. Recent research shows that 20% of Americans who have anxiety or other mental health disorders also develop an alcohol or drug addiction. Additionally,...

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Patience In Recovery: How To Practice & Cultivate Patience

Patience In Recovery: How To Practice & Cultivate Patience Patience is a virtue. The age-old mantra is vague and may be seemingly useless, but when it comes to recovery from addiction, this motto is pure gold. The path of addiction recovery is often a long one, so...

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