Benefits of Having a Dog in Recovery

Benefits of Having a Dog in Recovery

*DISCLAIMER: Monarch Shores does not allow pets in any of our treatment facilities

There’s a good reason why a dog is a man’s or woman’s best friend. Spending time with animals can provide benefits for humans and animals alike. Animals can especially help humans during challenging times. One of these times is during recovery from drug or alcohol abuse.

Recovery can be a particularly tricky time to navigate. People might spend time and effort attending best addiction treatment centers only to find that they still have work to do, are looking for ways to rebuild their lives, and may struggle with cravings, Dogs can help during this time by:

    • Giving emotional support. Therapy dogs have helped people cope with conditions such as trauma, addiction, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
    • Filling people’s time. People in recovery might have more time on their hands if they are no longer seeking or using drugs. Caring for animals takes time and can provide purpose.
    • Creating costs. In addition to costing time, dogs also cost money. From vet’s bills to food to squeaky toys, dogs can be expensive and require money that people may otherwise spend on drugs or alcohol.
  • Encouraging people to exercise. Dogs require walks or exercise to maintain their physical and mental health. So do people. Walking dogs encourages people to walk as well, and since exercise can promote better mental and physical health, it can help prevent addiction.
  • Serving as distractions. Dogs require a lot of attention. Their needs might distract people from their own lives. Puppies demand people’s attention because of their needs, and, let’s face it, because they’re so darned cute.
  • Easing awkwardness. Addiction might be difficult to discuss. Talking about and interacting with dogs can help make conversations more comfortable and help people in recovery communicate with others.
  • Providing companionship. People in recovery may have to make new friends because their old friends are still misusing drugs or alcohol. Spending time with dogs can help prevent loneliness and perhaps make human friends.

You’ve probably noticed that many of these benefits involve emotions. Strong emotional health is crucial to becoming and staying sober. For example, if people enjoy strong self-esteem, they may be less likely to struggle with depression. Depression and other mental health conditions can contribute to substance use disorder, so it is important to treat (or even prevent) such conditions.

Dogs – and tools such as therapy and medication – can help treat mental health conditions. Studies have reported the benefits of inviting animals into your life. Popular culture has confirmed it. After all, dog lover Charles Schultz, creator of famous cartoon dog Snoopy, once said that “Happiness is a warm puppy.”

It is important to note that some breeds require high energy dog care and this should be considered when picking out the dog that you want to raise. Especially If you are a low energy person.

About the author: Pamela Zuber is a writer and editor who has written about a wide variety of topics, including physical and mental health, addiction, human rights, and gender.

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Sunshine Behavioral Health strives to help people who are facing substance use disorder, addiction, mental health disorders, or a combination of these conditions. It does this by providing compassionate care and evidence-based content that addresses health, treatment, and recovery.

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